L.H. J.
It is obvious my View in Laying this Scheme was purely To
Promote a Common good, this obliged me to represent it to
their Lordships as I now Recomend it to you, that it may be
again Agreed on and Reenacted. But that you may be able to
Evince the Justice and Conveniency of this Act against the
designing Insinuations of it's Self Interested accusers, who
on pretence of friendship, would Impose on his Lordship to
P. 5
his owne and the Country's Damage; It will require your
Care to Compare the value of the Rents that have been annu-
ally collected on the former Establishment with the Sums that
have been paid His Lordshipp's Agent Since the Commence-
ing this Act, that lays the two Shillings on Each hogshead
exported by which his Lordship may the better judge of his
ffriends, and of the truth of this position, you have time before
you, and it is the concern of Every ffreeholder that falls under
your Circumspection in this Particular.
I am commanded by his Sacred Majestyes Instructions to
take care that Trade in all it's branches be duly Regulated in
this his Province. I do therefore in his name Recommend it
to you, that the Ascertaining the Gauge and Tare of your
Tobacco hogsheads be not in any wise Neglected on the Expi-
ration of the Present Act.
The Claim made by the Papists of a Right to hold all Offices
in this Government in equal degree with the Protestants,
seems Still to be kept on foot by them, tho some few there are,
and very few of that perswasion whose Prudence renders
them more Cautious. Yet I observe they all forbear makeing
any renunciation of their pretentions and altho the many
defeats, they have met with dureing my administration, may
have discouraged them from an open procedure yet it is highly
probable they wait a more favourable conjuncture to put their
designes in practice.
Their attempts have already given great uneasiness and
Heart burnings to his Majestyes faithfull Subjects here, and
in perticular created to me, your Governour, much Trouble
and Inquietude. I can truely say my Life has been Uncom-
fortable, from that period I first Rejected their projects, and
am now become a memorable Instance of the effects of Popish
I am Informed there have been late affronts and Insults
offered by papists and their adherents to others in Authority
who fall not into their Measures, by which it Seems to be
their Resolution to Endeavour not only by Secret Calumnies
but even by violence to Terrify all good men from opposeing