Hemp from 40s to 50s, And is so lett for a Terme of years. An
Acre of Land ploughed Sowed & hemp Come up is generally
worth (at Seam in Cambridge Shire) and Sold for £4 an Acre
And if likely to prove well for £5.
An Acre of Land produces as hath been already observed
about 120 Stone & is sold from 2s to 4s a Stone that is from 16
to £32 a Tunn And the seed from 8s to 20s & to 40s a Comb
According to its goodness, however att 20sh a Comb Supposing
an Acre to produce 5 Combs is £5 & 120 Stone of Hemp at 3s
a Stone is i8£ which together is £23 the medium or Ordinary
produce of an Acre.
The best seed is used for raising hemp for makeing Linnen
which must be drawn before it produces seed And will make
Cloth worth 2s 6d p yard when whitened wears very fine & is
Vastly Strong.
Seed laid up dry will keep good Several years, Seed makes
good Oyle for the Soap boylers
And His Excellency likewise lays before this house the Act
of Parliament mentioned in the Lords Comrs of Trade their
Letters afd for the perusall of all Concernd.
The House Adjourns Untill to Morrow Eight a Clock
Friday morning Aprill 22d 1720
The House meett according to Adjournment