6th Store of Cask must be ready to Barrell the Tarr as fast
as it is made. The Russians have a method of preserving
theirs in Large Chambers which are dugg into the sides of a
mountain on the Lake of Ladoga ; the bottom, sides and Topp
are Laid with Beams of firr well Joynted and calked, and the
Roofe supported by props in the middle. The Roof e and sides
are Covered with earth, but a large funnel left at the Topp
for pouring in the Tarr and a little door on the side next the
water from whence by the help of a Cock and Pipe tis Con-
veyed into the Casks when on Board the Boats, by this means
the Tarr is preserved from freezing and Leakage and a great
deal of Labour Saved.
7th A Fathom of Wood at full length, six foot broad and as
many high, is Computed to produce a Tonn of Tarr, sometimes
more, but often less. Twelve Barrels make a Last.
Rules for raising and making Hemp.
The Land should be moist, neither dry nor too wett nor hilly.
A black mellow soile produces the best Hemp, and will hold
Longest, even to 30 or 40 years ; but must generally have two
Ploughings after the Hemp is off, and then dunged with mel-
low dung, 20 Loads to an acre, and ploughed again before the
seed is sown, though some Lands, especially where the soile
is Deep, will bear hemp many years with little or no manure ;
and if the Land is weedy it should be harrowed before the last
ploughing, to take off the weeds but when the Land is fresh
broke up one ploughing is Sufft. If the ground fails it must be
seasoned with Beans or the like, And so it may be in Case at
any time the first Cropp fails Especially if it Happens for
want of Seasoning. Rock weed or Kelp is very good manure
for hemp Land. A moist Summer not too wet produceth most
hemp. The Lands must be laid near a Levell not above 4 foot
broad so that you may reach from the furrows to Weed or pull
up the Fimble or male hemp, when your Seed is sown that
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which is Scattered in the furrows should be thrown with a
Shovell on the Lands, to prove your Seed Chew it, And if It
has an Agreeable Sweetness like Milk and the Liquor looks
white it is good but if bitter and the Liquor of a redish Colour
tis bad, or break it under your finger on a table if it is good It
will be moist if bad Dry and Crumbling. The seed should be
Sown in a dry Season in March or Aprill, or in May if the first
Cropp fails after ploughing the land Again when your Seed
is Sown it must be Harrowed dry And may be Harrowed
Again After a Gentle Shower as soon as the Ground is dry
Provided the hemp be not Sprouted. Great Care must be
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