V. Provided nevertheless, and be it Enacted, by the Au-
thority, Advice and Consent aforesaid, That in case such
Residue shall happen to be paid to such Treasurer as aforesaid,
in Default of legal Representatives as aforesaid, and that
any legal Representatives of no remoter Degree amongst Col-
laterals than Brothers or Sisters Children, shall at any Time
appear, and prove him, her, or themselves, to be such legal
Representative or Representatives, that then the Treasurer
that received the Residue of such Estate, if then in his Hands,
or the Public Stock of Schools, if applied to their Use, shall be
liable, and are hereby obliged to refund to such legal Repre-
sentative, the Sum that they received on Account of such
Residue; and that the same Treasurer or Public Stock as
aforesaid, (in case the Administrator shall be obliged to pay
any further Debts or Duties that were due from the De-
ceased,) shall likewise refund to such Administrator the Value
of what such Administrator shall be so obliged to pay.
VI. Provided also, That in case such next of Kin shall
receive such Balance from such Treasurer or Public Stock of
Schools, he shall, and is hereby obliged, on (or before) such
Receipt, to give such Administration Bond, with Security ac-
cording to Law, to refund to such Administrator, such Sums
as shall at any Time thereafter be made appear to be due
from the Deceased's Estate, and by him regularly discharged,
for which he has not been formerly allowed.
VII. And whereas many Widows, or others, having the
Deceased's Effects in their Hands, and Right to the Adminis-
tration thereof, designedly suffer other Persons to Administer,
whose Mouths are easily stopped, with Part of the Estate's
being delivered them, and bring only such Part of the Ap-
praisement, to the great Dishonour of the Deceased, and De-
ceit of the Living; For Prevention whereof, as well as of
frequent tedious Suits, for the detecting such Concealments ;
Be it Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent afore-
said, That it shall and may be lawful for the Commissary-
General, for the Time being, on Information or Complaint of
any such Concealment, to cause the Person so complained of
to be examined upon Oath, before such Commissary-General,
or Deputy-Commissary in such County where the Person lives,
for the Discovery of such concealed Effects or Estates ; upon
such Discovery, and refusing or delaying to deliver the Effects
so discovered, and to make Satisfaction for the same, to issue
an Attachment against such Concealer, to oblige him, her or
them to comply therewith.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act,
Reverdy Ghiselin
Thomas Bacon.