An Act for settling all Disputes concerning the Boundaries of
the several Lots within the City of Annapolis, and confirm-
ing the same to the respective Takers-up, Improvers and
Purchasers thereof; and for laying out Ten Acres of Land
out of the Town Pasture, into Twenty Lots more, to be
added to the said City.
Whereas the original Plat of Survey of the Town of An-
napolis, now erected into a City, has been destroyed by the
Fire of the Stadt-house, in the Year One Thousand Seven
Hundred and Four, and little or no Footsteps left to find out
the Bounds of the several Lots, whereby many Disputes and
Law Suits are like to arise among the Inhabitants and Pro-
prietors of the said Lots ; and forasmuch as Justice may the
more Speedily, and at far less Charges, be administered upon
any such Disputes, by Three or more indifferent Persons
appointed by Law to act as Commissioners, to hear and
finally determine them, and ascertain the Boundaries and
Proprietorships of the Lots within the said City, as near as
may be, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the
Original Surveys of such Proprietorships, and of the Lots of
the Town and Port of Annapolis, made by Mr Richard Beard
deceased ; it is therefore prayed that it might be Enacted,
II. And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lord-
ship's Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of As-
sembly, and the Authority of the same, That the Honourable
Colonel William Holland, Colonel Thomas Addison, Captain
Daniel Mariartee, and Mr Alexander Warfield, or any Three
of them, be, and are hereby appointed, authorized and im-
powered Commissioners for hearing and finally determining,
all or any the Disputes that have and may arise among any
the Takers-up, Improvers or Purchasers of all, or any die Lot
or Lots of Land laid out within the said City, concerning either
the Property or Bounds of any the said Lots ; and that to that
End, the aforesaid Commissioners, or the major Part of them,
together with James Stoddart, Esq ; who is hereby appointed
to survey the aforesaid City, and the several Lots, Streets and
Public Grounds therein, do, sometime before the First Day
of August, in this present Year of our Lord God Seventeen
Hundred and Eighteen, meet within the same City, and calling
Chap. XIX