reputed Quakers, from their Votes in Elections, they being
otherwise duly qualified.
VI. And be it likewise Enacted, That in case any Sheriff,
or Body Politic, shall make any undue Return, contrary to
the true Intent and Meaning of the Act aforementioned, or
this present Act, such Sheriff, or Body Politic, shall be liable
to the same Penalties and Forfeitures as Sheriffs are made
liable to by the said aforementioned Act, to be ascertained and
recovered as in the said aforementioned Act is directed, to
the Uses therein mentioned.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act.
Reverdy Ghiselin
Thomas Bacon.
An Act to repeal a certain Act of Assembly, entitled, An
Act to prevent the Growth of Popery within this Province.
Whereas at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the
Town and Port of Annapolis, the Fifth Day of September,
One Thousand Seven Hundred and Four, was enacted and
made, an Act of Assembly entitled, An Act to prevent the
Growth of Popery within this Province, and also one other
Act made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the
Town and Port of Annapolis, the Sixth Day of March, One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Seven, suspending the Exe-
cution of some Clauses of the aforementioned Act, until her
late Majesty's further Pleasure should be declared and signi-
fied therein ; concerning which Suspension- Act, sundry great
Disputes have arisen among the Romanists: For Removal
of which Disputes, and considering that by one Act of Parlia-
ment made in the Eleventh and Twelfth Year of the Reign of
his late Majesty King William the Third, Chap. 4, there is
good Provision made to prevent the Growth of Popery, as
well in this Province, as throughout all others his Majesty's
Dominions, and that an Act of Assembly of this Province can
in no Ways alter the Effect of that Statute: It is therefore
prayed that it may be Enacted, And
II. Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his
Lordship's Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of
Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That the said Act
of Assembly to prevent the Growth of Popery, be and is
hereby Repealed.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act,
Reverdy Ghiselin
Thomas Bacon.
Chap. IV