Comission be obtained and executed within three months from
the Time of Such Sentence or Judgment as Afsd Now Mr
Daniel Dullany in persuance to the Direccon of the said Act
hath obtained a Comission of Review to examine the Judg-
ment Sentence or Decree of the Land Comissioners of Prince
George's County upon a Survey lately made of and concerning
the Bounds of a Certain Tract of Land called & comonly
known by the name of Piscattaway Manner but so it is that the
three Months so limited and allowed as afd Since the Sentence
of Comissioners af d will expire on the tenth day of this present
Month of May & forasmuch as the Assembly now Sitting
Two Members of this House & others of your House thought
fit to be at the said Review cannot well be Spared at this Time
in order to do Justice in the Case afd, It is proposed that a
Short Bill be prepared in your House to allow Such longer
Time as shall be thought convenient for the Execucon of the
Comission of review Afd
Signed p Order Jno Beard Cl: up. ho:
Ordered the following Message be prepared viz:
By the lower House of Assembly May 2d 1718.
May it please your Excy & Honrs
On reading the Report of the Conferrees appointed to In-
spect the Law for ascertaining the Bounds of Land &ca We
agree that the Act shall be Amended according to the Ist 3d 7th
8th & 9th Articles of that Report and to the 2d Article We have
agreed that the party who is Desirous to Complain shall
publish his Intencons of Ascertaining the Bounds of his Lands
twenty Days before Applicacon made to the Comrs By Setting