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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 123   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 123

these thirty Years past Who have so long tasted of the Lenity
& Liberty of a Protestant Government, that if I may Judge
from the many good Laws that have been made in this
Province, And the Profession of so great a Majority of this
People, they are firmly Resolved never more to give way to a
Popish Administration
Gent. What I Require of you upon this Occasion is, that
you will Enquire into the Circumstances that are now related
to you, and in the name of God, As you are his Lordship's
Great Councill of this Province, make an Impartiall Repre-
sentation of the truth thereof in what manner you shall find

As what Relates to Mr Macnemara & his Complaints, you
know the man & his Conversation, you are not Ignorant what
Disturbances he has given this Government for almost as
many years as he has been in it

U. H. J.

I shall lay before you the Cause of my Suspending him from
his Practice in the Chancery Court. And since He has Com-
plained of my being both Judge & Party I Desire your Opin-
ions, whether such Insolency's as he has Offered, be Exempt
from Punishment by your Laws.
Gent. I Cannot Conclude without giving you two Remark-
able Instances of the Notorious falsities that have been Re-
ported of me.

The first is,
That the Roman Catholicks were denyed a Freedom in
The second, That I had beaten Mr Macnemara most un-
Against such wicked men that will advance to Gross Calum-
nies to Serve a Turn, What Innocence Can protect Who that
wou'd make a Conscience of his Duty, Can be safe in the
Execution of it.
Yet as I hope such Practices will not Deterr the magistrates
from their Duty to his Majesty and his Lordship ; so I take
this Occasion to Declare, that I am firmly Resolved to support
them in it so far as in me lyes, Nor shall any Reflections on
the Past Effects of the malice of the Roman Catholicks and
their Adherents towards me, nor any Apprehension of their
future Rage, Slacken my Endeavours, towards the Establish-
ing the Protestant Interest in this Province, under the auspi-
cious Protection of our Sovereign Lord Kinge George And
his Lordship's Government.
John Hart

p. 9

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 123   View pdf image (33K)
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