The Upper House. 121
sentation, Which I promised to be, Provided he Droped all
thoughts of Offering it, But being afterwards Credibly In-
formed that Mr Carroll had Offered that Representation (tho
It had not its Desired Effect) to their Ldships, I have since
U. H.J.
told Mr Carroll of his unfaithful Dealing on this Account,
before severall members of the Uper House. He Acknowl-
edged he had given the Representation, But it did not Import,
that the Roman Catholicks might be Qualified for Imploymts,
but that they might not be Unqualifyed for them. So poor &
Jesuiticall an Evasion wants no Remark
I then Demanded of Mr Carroll by what Claim of Right,
did he Offer that Representation, for that in my Judgment by
the Laws, the Roman Catholicks had no Pretentions to hold
Ministeriall Offices, without Qualifying themselves for them.
He answered that they Claimed from an Instrument,
Granted by the Lord Cecilius, but that he believed it was burnt
in the State house, And that they (the Roman Catholicks)
wou'd Insist upon that Rights and then Added (with great
Vehemence) that if my Lord Guilford wou'd not admitt of
their Right they would Apply to higher Powers.
Gentlemen It is Obvious to all (who are not wilfully blind)
what Steps the Roman Catholicks were takeing to Introduce
themselves Again into the Administration of this Governmt
But being by their Ldship's Prudence, Discountenanced in
their Practices, And also Opposed by me in their Pretended
Right, of not being Unqualifyed as It is Termed, And likewise
Impeded of Imploying those Offices, they had so surprizingly
Obtained and which Indeed, they were Unqualifyed for,
It was a natural Conclusion after such a Defeat, that they
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wou'd have Satt Down, and have been Contented and Easy,
under the Protection of the Government, as they were pmitted
to be, but on the Contrary the Roman Catholicks Indefatigable
in their Designes Turned all their Rage and Fury of Dis-
appointment, to Calumniate my Conduct, and by heaping of
Indignities upon me, used their Utmost Efforts, thereby to
Remove me from this Station.
To gain this Point, I am Informed that a very large sume of
mony, was Subscribed for, by the Leading men of the Romish
Comunity and some of them went as Emissaries to London
And were very Active there against me, and Exclaimed in
bitter Terms of my prosecuteing the Papists in this Province
and how Cruel a manner they were Treated in, And even
Debarred the Liberty of a ffree Comerce
When I Demonstrated to their Lordships how groundless &
Unjustly these Clamours were, Their Lordships Answer was
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