Thereupon Mr Speaker with the Gentlemen of that House
attend his Excellency at this Board Where he is Pleased to
bespeak them as foll
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
I am to acquaint you, that the right Honble my Lds Guilford
and Baltemore, have Expressed great Satisfaction, on your
Proceedings in last Genll Assembly, as will fully appr by their
Ldps obliging Answers, to the Seperate Addresses of both
houses, and by their not Dissenting to any one Act passed in
that Session.
I have sevl other matters to Communicate to you by their
Ldps Commands Which I am of Opinion will be better Ex-
plained in the way of Message
From the happy Conclusion of the last Session I pleased
myself with the hopes, that the remaining part of that time I