of this Board that there are not sufficient Grounds arising
from the Behaviour of the said Sheriff to inflict a further
Punishment on him by removing him from his Office.
Read the Transcript of the Conviction of Samuel Pelton
found Guilty of Murder at the last Provincial Court, as also
the following Letter from the Justices relative thereto.
May it please your Excellency
At the present Provincial Court one Samuel Pelton has been
indicted arraigned and found guilty of the Murder of a certain
Abraham Keller of Frederick County and Sentence of Death
has been pronounced against him. He was convicted on full
positive proof by two Witnesses. A Transcript of the Record
is ordered to be laid before you. We are Sir.
Your Excellency's most Obedient
humble Servants.
May 2d 1770. Wm Hayward
Philip Thomas Lee.
Whereupon it was Ordered by his Excellency the Governor
with the Advice of this Board that a Death Warrant issue for
the Execution of the aforesaid Samuel Pelton on Friday the
25th of this Instant May, which was issued accordingly.
At a Council held at the Governor's on Friday the 29* Day
of June in the Twentieth year of his Lordship's Dominion
Anno 1770.
Were Present
His Excellency Robert Eden Esqr Governor
Daniel Dulany Esqr Walter Dulany Esqr
The Honble John Ridout Esqr George Steuart Esqr
Read the Transcripts of two Convictions of Negro Abra-
ham the Slave of a certain Thomas Bond of Saint Marys
County One of having broke open the House of Elias Smith of
the same County and stealing from thence Sundry Bills of
Credit of the Province of Maryland of the Goods and Chattels
of the said Smith; And the other of having attempted to
Ravish and carnally know a certain Eleanor Bryan of Saint
Marys County Spinster against the Will of her the said Ele-
anor; by which said Transcripts it appears that Sentence of
Death hath been passed on him the said Negro Abraham by
the Justices of Saint Marys County at the last County Court
held in and for the said County.