Brother Debtors to look how Barbarously I had been Whipped
upon their viewing my Back they told me there was eight
severe Cuts which Caused me many a Nights uneasiness with
the Pain I endured and threatned me that he would have me in
Irons and sent a Negro and took Measure of my Wrists and
much more to increase my Aggrievances he would not suffer
my Wife to come to the Goal to Speak to me for several Weeks
nor even allow me the Liberty of Writing to my Friends for
fear I should discover his Cruel Usage Your Honours will be
pleased to have me and the following Men brought before your
Honourable House whom will Justify my Complaint to be the
whole Truth. My Evidences are Mr John Doncastle Mr
Joseph Harrison Mr Ignatius Green and Mr John Neale,
Joyner the said Neale is now at Liberty. Your Petitioner
therefore most humbly pray your Honours will take his Dis-
tressed and Lamentable Situation into your Serious Consid-
eration and Grant such Relief as your Wisdom and Goodness
think just and reasonable and thereby prevent a Continuance
of my Complaint and your Poor miserable distressed Peti-
tioner as in Duty bound will ever pray.
William Wright
9br 7th 1769.
By the Committee of Grievances and Courts of Justice
December 7th 1769.
Your Committee beg leave to inform your Honourable
House that they examined William Wyatt Fentham who was
Summoned as a Witness on the Petitions of the Prisoners in
Charles County Goal complaining against the Sheriff of that
County and have taken his Deposition which is hereto annexed
That it appears to your Committee that the Room of the
Private Goal in which Richard Lee Junr Sheriff of Charles
County detains his Prisoners for Debt is about fifteen or
sixteen feet square and had not any Fire place therein when