At a Council held at the Governor's on Saturday the 31st
day of March in the 19th year of his Lordship's Dominion
Anno Domini 1770.
Were Present
His Excellency Robert Eden Esqr Governor
Daniel Dulany Esqr John Beale Bordley Esqr
John Ridout Esqr
His Excellency is pleased to lay before this Board the fol-
lowing Papers desiring their Advice thereon.
A Transcript of the Conviction of Reese Williams found
Guilty of a Robbery on the High Way in Queen Anns County,
at an Especial Court of Oyer and Terminer held in the said
County on the 2 Ist day of February last, which being Read and
Considered it was Ordered by his Excellency the Governor
with the Advice of this Board that a Reprieve Issue for the