Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
to be informed by our Ambassador at Madrid that the Span-
ish Minister, taking Notice of the Reports Industriously
spread of an approaching Rupture, had Acquainted him, that
the King of Spain had at no time been more intent on culti-
vating a good Correspondence with us; and as the Spanish
Ambassador at our Court made repeated Declarations to the
same Effect, we thought Ourself bound in Justice and Pru-
dence to forbear coming to Extremities, But the same tender
concern for the welfare of our Subjects which prevented our
accelerating precipitately a War with Spain, if it could pos-
sibly be avoided, made it necessary for us to endeavour to
know with Certainty, what were the engagements and real
Intentions of the Court of Spain, therefore as we had In-
formation that Engagements had been lately Contracted be-
p. 329
tween the Courts of Madrid and Versailles; and it was soon
after industriously Spread throughout all Europe by the Min-
isters of France, that the purport of those Engagements was
hostile to Great Britain, and that Spain was on the point of
entering into the War, We directed our Ambassador to desire
in the most friendly Terms, a Communication of the Treaties
Lately concluded between France and Spain, or of such
Articles thereof as immediately related to the Interest of
Great Britain, if any such there were; or, at least an Assur-
ance that there were none incompatible with the Friendship
subsisting between Us and the Crown of Spain. Our Aston-
ishment & Concern was great, when we learnt, that so far
from giving Satisfaction upon so reasonable an Application;
the Spanish Minister had declined answering, with reasonings
and Insinuations of a very hostile Tendency: And as, at the
same time, we had Intelligence, that Great Armaments were
making in Spain, by Sea and Land, We thought it Absolutely
Necessary to try once more, if a Rupture could be avoided:
We therefore directed our Ambassador to ask in a Firm but
Friendly Manner, Whether the Court of Madrid intended to
join the French, Our Enemies, to act hostilely against Great
Britain or to depart from its Neutrality; and if he found the
Spanish Minister avoided to give a clear Answer, to Insinuate
in the most decent Manner, that the refusing or avoiding to
answer a question so reasonable, could only arise from the
King of Spain's having already engaged, or resolved to take
part aginst Us, and must be Looked upon as an avowal of such
hostile Intention, and equivalent to a Declaration of War;
and that he had Orders immediately to leave the Court of
Madrid. The peremptory refusal by the Court of Spain, to
give the least Satisfaction, with regard to any of those reas-
onable Demands on our part, and the Solemn Declaration at