194 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1761-1769.
Lib. J. R,
& U. S.
Conveyed by a Mistake Convey the Land design'd thereby to
your Petitioner, which your Petitioner had executed before
Mr Hepburn a Provincial Justice and before your Petitioner's
return the forcible Entry was made.
On Consideration of the Premisses this Board is of Opinion
that the Jurisdiction of Maryland over the Land mentioned in
the Proceedings, to which the Application of the Justices of
Frederick County refer still remains, and is not affected by
any thing hitherto done for the Purpose of carrying into
Execution the Measure necessary for ascertaining the Bound-
aries of the two Provinces of Maryland and Pennsilvania and
this Board are further confirmed in this opinion by having
regard to Governor Penn's Letter on the Subject, by which he
disclaims at present all Authority over the said Land and inas-
much as it was the especial Object of the Royal Interposition
to preserve Order, and a due Administration of Justice on the
Frontiers of the two Provinces with which gracious purpose
a mutual Disclaimer of Jurisdiction in both Governments
would be inconsistent, upon the whole Matter therefore it is
the Advice of this Board that the Justices of Frederick County
be informed that the Laws ought in the Premisses to take their
Course in the same manner as in any other Case within their
Read the two following Petitions from Sundry Inhabitants
of Baltimore Town and County.
To His Excellency the Governor.
The Petition of several the Principal German Inhabitants
of Baltimore Town in behalf of themselves and others
Most humbly Sheweth to your Excellency.
That a small number only, of your Petitioners understand-
ing the English Language, they therefore are at a great Loss,
charge and trouble, whenever called before, and when having
Business with any of his Lordship's Justices of the County,
who utter Strangers to your Petitioners' Language, Inter-
preters being not always to be had, and very expensive to
them; the said Justices for want of a Clear apprehension of
your Petitioners' Suits or Causes depending before them have
often acted wrong mistaking the same.
And your Petitioners furthermore do Crave Leave to repre-
sent to your Excellency that the said Justices Vizt Messr Gay,
Rogers, Asquith Owings and Richard Richards have hitherto
required taken and exacted exorbitant fees for doing such
Business for your Petitioners, the which your said Petitioners
do humbly apprehend and do humbly refer to your Excellency's
Superior Knowledge the said Justices have no just Claim to,