Lib. J. R,
& U. S.
Honble Horatio Sharpe Esqr
Extract of an account of the proceedings of the New Jer-
sey Assembly drawn up, at the request of the Governor De
Lancy by Mr Alexander a Member of his Majestys Council
for the Provinces of New York & New Jersey & communi-
cated to Major General Shirley by the Governor —
Sundrys of the Assembly heartily wish that a Congress of
Commissioners should meet with Major General Shirley at
Albany or where else he would be pleased to appoint in Oc-
p. 64
tober or November next, to Agree on the further necessary
Supplies & Forces for next year, that should be provided in
the Winter, so that all might be at the Place of Rendezvous
by the first of the Spring, that the Commissioners should be
appointed by Acts of the Several Legislatures, but as they
are one of the Smallest Colonies they durst not take upon
them to begin a proportion for that purpose but will most
readilly follow the Example of the other Greater Colonies as
far as their Abilities can go. Which being read his Excel-
lency desires the Advice of this Board whether It may be
necessary now to call the Assembly who are of Opinion it is
The present State of Our People upon the Frontiers in
Frederick County being taken into Consideration and the
following Letter prepared It is the humble Advice of this
Board to his Excellency that he be pleased to Send the same
to the commanding Officers of the Militia in Frederick Prince
Georges, Baltimore, Cecil Ann Arundel, Calvert, Charles &
St Marys Counties.
Whereas it is absolutely necessary for us to Send a con-
siderable Body of Armed Men to the Frontiers of Frederick
County immediately to prevent the farther Incursions of the
Enemy who have within a few Days cut off many of the
Inhabitants and ravaged a great part of that County: you are
hereby directed and required to send from the Militia under
your Command to Frederick Town a Party of Men consist-
ing of any Number more than Twenty nine under the Com-
mand of one Subaltern officer unless a Captain shall volun-
tarily offer his Service and in such Case you are to appoint
one Subaltern under him. I flatter myself that as their
Country calls for their Service, Enough will be found among
the Militia of your County that will voluntarily Compose the
Party that is required of you, but should I be unhappily dis-
appointed in such hopes you are to draft them by Lot or
otherwise as you shall judge best. Every Person should take