instantly to advise what you have done respecting such
Priest, and inform them of whatever has come to your
Knowledge concerning his Absence or Misbehaviour.
His Excellency is pleased to inform this Board that he had
some time agoe Sent the following Instructions to the Com-
manding Officers of the Militia of Baltimore and Frederick
Instructions to Colonel Nathaniel Wickham Commander
in Chief of the Militia of Frederick County
As sometime since, I sent you peremptory Instructions to
regulate the Militia of your County and to have the Several
Troops and Companies under your Command frequently
Mustered and disciplined, I presume and hope you will not
find any great difficulty in Executing the Orders that the
late Incursions of the French Indians into this Province call
upon me and oblige me now to give. For the Protection of
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
our western Frontiers and the Inhabitants of this Province
It is thought proper and necessary to have and keep a Com-
pany of Eighty Men including Officers in Arms and con-
stantly ranging for some time in Frederick County to repell
any party of the Enemy that may presume to come into this
Province to destroy the Inhabitants or lay wast the Country ;
you are therefore hereby directed & enjoined instantly to
convene all the Commissioned Officers of the Foot Militia
under your Command and acquaint them that by their several
Companies Seventy six Men must be furnished immediately
to be formed into one Company under the Command of a
Major or Captain, a Lieutenant and an Ensign, which three
officers you must appoint by Lot or otherwise from all the
officers of the Foot Militia of your County, the Day that you
convene them as afore directed That done, you shall give
Orders to the several Officers to muster as soon as they
Possibly can, their respective Companies and there from to
draft by Lot (unless Voluntiers offer themselves) such a
Number of men as you shall think it reasonable and fit for
each Company to furnish, to make up the Complement of
Seventy Six; the Men so drafted every Captain shall send to
the Place of Rendezvous under the Care of their Lieutenant
or Ensign, who shall deliver the said Men to one of the
three Officers by you appointed to command the said Com-
pany of Rangers, thus to be raised and take his Receipt for
the said men, which Receipt shall Specify the names of such
men, whea they were delivered, and from whose Company
they were drafted and shall be sent inclosed to me, by the first
p. 60