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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1753-1761
Volume 31, Page 7   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1753-1761. 7

By His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esqr Governor and Com-
mander in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland.

A Proclamation

Whereas Frederick Absolute Lord & Proprietary of the
Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Balti-
more by his Commission under his Great Seal at Arms bear-
ing date at London the Seventeenth day of March Anno
Domini 1753 has with the approbation of his Most Sacred
Majesty been pleased to constitute me the said Horatio
Sharpe Governor & Commander in Chief in and over this his
Lordships Province of Maryland which Commission was
this day published in the Presence and hearing of the Mem-

Lib. J. R.

& U. S.

bers of his Lordships honourable Council and others the
Kings Subjects his Lordships Tenants in this Province at the
City of Annapolis, I have therefore by and with the Advice
of his Lordships Council of State thought fit to issue this my
Proclamation notifying the same to all Sheriffs Magistrates
and others his Lordships Officers in this Province, and I do
further Will and direct that All Officers both Civil and Mili-
tary Execute and discharge the Several Trusts and Duties
in them Reposed and enjoyned by the Present respective
Commissions to them granted until such time as my further
Pleasure and directions shall be Signified therein. Given at
the City of Annapolis this 10th day of August in the Twenty
Seventh year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the
Second of Great Britain &c King and in the third year of his
Lordships Dominion Annoq Domini 1753
[Great Seal] J. Ross Cl Con.

Horo Sharpe

At the Court at St James's the 10 day of May 1753.

The Kings Most Excellent Majesty
in Council

His Majesty having been pleased to declare his Royal Al-
lowance and Approbation of Horatio Sharpe Esqr to be Lieu-
tenant Governor of the Province of Maryland in America
according to the Nomination of the Lord Baltimore Lord
Proprietary of the said Province, He this day took the
Oaths before his Majesty in Council, appointed to be taken
instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and also
the Oath Required to be taken by the Governors of his Maj-
estys Plantations for putting in Execution the Acts of Trade
and Navigation
W. Sharpe

p. s

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1753-1761
Volume 31, Page 7   View pdf image (33K)
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