now in force, or that hereafter shall be made relating to his
Majestys Colonies or Plantations, shall be punctually and
bona fide observed according to the true Intent and meaning
of the same Acts of Parliament
So help me God.
The Honourable Benjamin Tasker Esqr delivers to his
Excellency the Great Seal of this Province, and thereupon
his Excellency the Governor takes the Oath of Chancellor in
the following Words
I Horatio Sharpe do swear that as Chancellor & Keeper of
the Great Seal of this Province I will well and truly Serve his
Lordship the Right honourable the Lord Proprietary of this
Province and do Equal Right to all his Majestys Subjects to
the best of my understanding Skill and knowledge, I shall not
debar or hinder the Prosecution of Justice nor take any Gift
Bribe reward or fee for the delaying thereof but will behave
myself Justly and truly and hear and Judge decree & deter-