Address to Proprietary, 58.
Bank stock, 506.
Board of Trade, queries, 101, 143.
Border brawls, 307-351.
Boston, fire at, 405.
Boundary stones, 562.
Braddock's defeat, 70, 439, 492.
British squadron, 236.
British successes, 500, 516, 527.
Burglary, 32, 49, 69, 115, 296, 423, 424.
Catholics, charges against, 47, 54, 72, 80,
81, 85, 123, 125, 162, 208, 245, 491,
Chancellor's oath, 6.
Charter, copy of, sent, 497.
Chester Town, disturbance at, 22.
Choptank Indians, 29, 40, 83, 357.
Commander in chief, 52.
Conference of Governors, 186.
Congress of colonies, 78.
Conspiracy in Portugal, 514.
Contraband trade, 416.
Convicts, importing, 118, 510.
Council of war, 92.
Councillor's commission, 8.
Counterfeiting, 20.
County proposed, 488.
Currency, 60.
Death warrants, 31, 32, 35, 46, 49, 58, 69,
79, 119, 157, 182, 296, 397, 405, 413.
Defence of frontiers, 73, 78, 82, 90, 93,
128, 159, 1 86, 227, 291, 493.
Delaware boundary, 331, 361, 377, 393,
503, 533, 535, 538, 555-
Deserters, 47, 235.
Dissent to laws, 54, 58.
Embargo, 183, 219, 220, 229.
Encroachments, 21, 23, 30, 351.
Enlisting servants, 105-113, 154.
Examination of W. Johnson (alias Mar-
shall), 162-179.
Exchange of prisoners, 358, 398, 414.
Excise officers, 120.
Expedition against Crown Point, 92.
Fairfax, Lord, letters, 16, 20.
Ferries, 33.
Fines and forfeitures, 117, 121, 123, 134.
Foreign coins, 56, 59.
Fort William Henry, surrender, 233.
France, war with, 140.
peace with, 529.
French, movements of, 27, 67, 70.
French prisoners, 301, 358, 398, 414.
General fast, 225.
George II, death of, 418.
George III, proclaimed, 421, 424, 435.
proclamation, 428.
Homicide, 58, 69, 114, 307, 361, 373.
Imports, 145.
Indians, agreements with, 193, 222, 267,
complaint of , 357.
emperor of , 298, 352.
hostilities, 23, 26, 27, 73, 90.
in Maryland, 146.
lands, 23.
treaty with, 25, 97, too.
Instructions to Council, 18, 22.
Iron, 145.
Justices, complaints against, 243, 273.
Lady Baltimore, death of, 506.
Land Office regulations, 519.
Levying war, 522.
Licenses, 29, 33, 121, 486, 495, 552.
Light house at Cape Henry, 498, 512.
Liquors, excise on, 188.
Liturgy, change in, 430, 434.
Maryland flag, 46.
Militia, 126, 145, 214, 283, 284.
Murder, 58, 69, 376, 392, 397.
Nanticoke Indians, 295, 392.
Negroes imported, 409.