McLachlan ( McClaughlin) , Mr., 440,
443, 446, 448, 450, 453, 534.
McNab, Lieut., 281.
Macnamara, Mr., 591.
McPherson, John, 490, 567.
McVee, Benjamin, 230.
Madeira, 471.
Magowan, Walter, 567.
Magruder, Nathan, 499.
Manadier, Daniel, 567.
Manila, 545.
Manlove, Jonathan, 309.
Mansfield, Lord, 419, 421, 51*.
Maple Marsh, 336, 362, 368.
Mapother, Edward, 511.
March, Mary Ann, 210, 282.
Marcus Hook (place), 164, 174.
Marshall, William, 171-174, 179.
Martin, James, 335.
Martin, William, 568.
Martinica, 515.
Mason and Dixon, 551, 555.
Mason, Richard, 569.
Mason, Thomas, 572.
Massachusetts, 92.
Massachusetts Bay, 108, 109, 242, 406.
Mather, Mr., 518.
Mattapony, 487.
Matthews, Samuel, 271.
Maxadavad (place), 500.
Maxwell, John, 208, 572.
Maynadier, Mr., 532.
Mecor, Adam, 333.
Medford, George, 572.
Meetis, Robert, 572.
Meherrin (Indian), 239.
Mercer, Col., 565.
Mern, Dr., 227.
Merritt, Levering, 572.
Middlesex Co., 523.
Millard, Joshua, 31.
Miller, Lieut., 175.
Miller, Samuel, 208.
Milligan and Lloyd, 517.
Milligan, G., 245, 274, 506.
Mills, Andrew, 271.
Minorca, 142.
Missilimackinack, 96.
Mississippi River, 93, 95, 96, 416, 417.
Mitchell, Hugh, 423, 424.
Mitchell, Joseph, 87.
Mobile, 1 86.
Mobile River, 416, 417.
Montcalm, Gen., 238.
Monckton, Robert, 409.
Mongall, Morris, 206, 297.
Monk, Peter, 298, 299, 352, 355.
Monongahela River, 146, 163, 177, 227,
228, 492, 518, 534.
Montgomerie, Capt., 561, 562.
Monte Christo (place), 457.
Montreal, 96, 156.
Montserrat, 488.
Moody, B., 230, 245.
Moore, Commodore, 515.
Moore, Thomas, 570.
Morgan, David (Davis), 250, 251, 254.
Morgan, Evan, 325, 345.
Morgan, Joseph, 371.
Morgan, Marmaduke, 394.
Morgan, Richard, 460, 462, 467.
Morris, Gov., 77, 146, 494, 528.
Morris, Robert Hunter, 93, 98.
Morris, Roger, 106.
Mount Johnson (place), 100.
Mounts, John, 174.
Muire, Adam, 377.
Mulberry (Indian), 45.
Mulkere, Valentine, 438, 442-455, 462-
Mullineux, William, 313, 316, 317, 318,
320, 325, 327, 330, 331, 339, 342, 343,
Munbin, James, 542.
Murphy, Mr., 169, 170.
Murray, William, 30, 40-43, 45, 46, 119.
My Lady's Manor, 209.
Naaman's Creek, 164.
Nancy (Indian), 45.
Nanticoke Hundred, 325, 385.
Nanticoke Indians, 298, 299, 352, 353,
Nanticoke River, 39, 332-337, 339, 378,
381, 384, 385, 388, 555-
Naples, 538, 539, 541, 543, 547-
Neal, Bennet, 162, 165-173, 179.
Neill, Hugh, 567.
Nevens, Robert, 396.
Newbald, Francis, 324.
Newcastle, 14, 17, 38, 39, 310, 361, 497,
535, 536, 538, 542, 555-
Newcastle, Duke of, 419, 421, 565.
New Cunliffe (ship), 271, 272.
New England, 144.
Newgate, 523.
New Hampshire, 92, 234, 242.
New Jersey, 78, 92, 234, 242.
New Orleans, 301.
New Point Comfort, 438, 442, 444, 446,
449, 451, 452, 454, 458, 462, 464.
Newman, John, 390.
Newton, Edward, 42. 4?, 4.6.
Newton, William, 42, 46, 354.