552 Correspondence of Gov. Horatio Sharpe, 1754-1765.
that right are they to be commended, reflection is on them,
and not on him who yielded to a good Action.
Of that part relating to prudence abt putting the Penal
Laws into execution agt R. C. It was Judged here a caution
necessary they had by no misbehaviour forfeited that usage
of Protection, & the Protection was directed no otherways
than exercised by his Majesty's Given Rule of Goverment,
throughout his Colonies, this cannot be wrong.
The article in defence & support of the supreme Magis-
tracy must be surely a right admonition, Especially, as you
had been wrongfully attempted to be infringed upon, by
reflection on yr Mercy.
With regard to yr raising the militia at a time of such
emminent danger which you by Law had a right to do & was
absolute necessary, it cannot be wrong to thank you for
vigilant & good Conduct therein ag the Enemy the invaders
of his Majesty's Crown & Dignity.
Respecting the Latter admonitions, what are the contents
but only to this Effect viz. if any addresses are presented to
you concerng any matter to the chief; he desires you'l trans-
mit them to him for his answer. & says he deem the appoint-
ment of an A. here can be no availment but that of vexa-
tious trouble &ca The right is in me to redress & of which I
shall not be wanting on matters Bona Fide layed before me.
therefore do not suffer yrself from false spacious pretences
by Crafty designing men to impose on you & the C—l, the
consequence of which would be plunging me into a Sea of
troubles and of this Beware of the first Step!
It cannot be observed him to maintain his just rights &
to claim a right of remonstrance to him on all matters, will
they take, they cannot deprive him of his rights Nolens
Volens, is his acquiescence of a Gratuity to be construed a
deprivation of his right, he has by Royal Charter and this
a Prerogative right, most certain he can bestow agt the
Crown's right. His right to Ordinary Licenses & the exer-
cise of that right by his Noble Ancestors & allowed by the Lo.
H. is full exemplified, & is Evidently maintained by the Upr
H. and apparently appears at several Periods of time set
forth in the Journals of that House, from thence my mind is
impressed that his right to such Licences is indubitable of
right to him belonging, and the cause of my writing to you
to get all things upon Record or any shape as use to main-
tain that right brought surprisingly into dispute. The Upr
H. both alleges—us & Council are sure in Duty to preserve
such Pre—tive rights, it can't be supposed they'l join in
striping him, they who are to keep up the Land pranks—and