Correspondence of Gov. Horatio Sharpe, 1754-1765. 523
& have wrote to him for his Accot I hope to have it to
inclose in this to you, but doubt it, I like not his Conduct
with regard to the Province. This Letr laying open for want
of conveyance Gives Opportunity to acknowledge the Dupli-
cate of yrs the 28th of Sepr with other Papers in Yr Packet
recd the Copy of Transcript inclosed, wh you say You
brought from England relative to the Attainder of Robert
Talbot together with a particular State of Talbot Manor &
the Stewards Rent Roll is satisfactory so as to enable Me to
form some answer to the Party here claimant, But in case
a Bill is brought ag the Proprietor the want of the Papers
& the Authorities sent by the Comissrs appointed by Act of
Parliament to Maryland to Seize the Estate belonging to Col.
Talbot as well as a Copy of the Act of Rebellion ag the said
Mr Talbot certifyed by the Comissrs of forfeited Estates and
delivered to the Guardians of the Present Lord & sent by Me
& recd by Mr Lloyd the Recr Genl to make good the late
Lords Seizure I say witht these Originals or Authenticated
copies thereof here in hand, What Warranty has My Lord
to Authorize the Seizure. Yr transcript Explains Mr Kellys
hint to Me the difficulty to prove it to be the said Mr James
Talbot the Person Guilty the transcript says James Talbot
Acting agt K: George the Ist in 1715. it is imagined that
the Deeds wh he made in ffeby 1714 were only made in order
to avoid a forfeiture. In 1715 the said James Talbot was
apprehended & committed to Newgate & attainted by the
Transcript under the Name of Robert Talbot of Hexam in
the county of Northumberland as appears by the Records of
the Sessions of Gaol Delivery held for the counties of Middle-
sex & Surry the 16th of May 1716. whereupon the Com-
missioners that were Appointed by Act of Parliament to
enquire into the Estates of certain Traytors & of Popish
Recusants & of Estates for the use of the Public transmitted
to John Hart Esqr then Governor of Maryland Warrants
directed to the Sheriffs of Talbot & Cecil Counties by wh the
said Sheriffs were Authorized & required to seize all the
Lands & all other the Estate late belonging to Col. Talbot in
Cecil County or elsewhere within the Province of Maryland.
Whether any thing was done in persuance of the above-
mentioned Warrants does not appear, but Col. Low the Lord
Proprietor's Agent soon afterwards claimed for his Lordp
the abovementioned Manor & granted Leases on 21 years &
three Lives for a few Tenements, however the greatest part
of it was already Occupied by a Number of People who re-
fused to become Tenants to his Lordp & most of whom de-
claring themselves Pensilvanians refused to pay Tax in the
Govermt of Maryland nor would they shew by what Rights