Edition may be had all Parsons Vicars and Curates within
this Realm, do (for the preventing of Mistakes) with the
Pen correct and amend all such Prayers in their Church
Books, according to the aforegoing Direction; and for the
better Notice hereof that this Order be forthwith printed
and published, and sent to the several Parishes, and that the
right Reverend the Bishops do take Care that Obedience
be paid to the same accordingly.
F.. Vernon.
Which Instructions &c. having been severally read and his
Excellency having advised with the Council thereon, It was
ordered that a Proclamation be forthwith prepared accord-
ing to the Form transmitted from England for proclaiming
that the High and Mighty Prince George Prince of Wales is
now by the Death of our late Sovereign of happy and glor-
ious Memory become our only lawful and rightful Liege
Lord George the third by the Grace of God King of Great
Britain, France and Ireland Defender of the Faith, supreme
Lord of the Province of Maryland and all other his late Maj-
esty's Territories and Dominions in America &c.. Also that
a Proclamation be prepared, directing an Alteration to be
made in the Prayers of the Church for the Royal Family
agreeable to his Majesty's Instructions dated at Leicester-
House the 31st of October, and that Copies be likewise made
of his Majesty's gracious Declaration in Council on the 25th
of October, and of his Proclamation published the 27th of
October for continuing Officers. His Excellency was then
pleased to inform the Members who were present that he
proposes (they having so advised) to proclaim his Majesty
in the City of Annapolis on Tuesday next at the Hour of
twelve o'Clock, and it is thereupon ordered that the Clerk
notify the said Resolution to the absent Members of his
Lordship's Council, the Corporation of the City of Annapolis,
the Sheriff and Clerk of Ann Arundel County and the Com-
manding Officer of the Militia of the said County in such
Manner as that the Members of the Council, the Corporation,
the Justices of the County with the Sheriff and Clerk of the
Militia may on Tuesday next attend the Ceremony and
Solemnity of the Proclamation and it is moreover ordered
that the Clerk prepare with all possible Dispatch Procla-
mations in proper Form to be sent with Copies of his Maj-
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.