Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
p. 262
At a Council held at the City of Annapolis on Thursday
the first Day of January in the tenth Year of his Lordship's
Dominion Annoq Domini 1761.
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esqr Governor.
The honourable Benjamin Tasker Esqr Stephen Bordley
Esqr and John Ridout Esqr
Read the Conviction of Negro Tom and Negro Nace of
Charles County Slaves of a certain Hugh Mitchell of the
same County whereby it appears Sentence of Death had
been passed upon them for breaking open the Meat-House
of a certain Catharine Price and stealing therefrom sundry
Goods and Chattels, and the Report of the Justices there-
upon sent by the Clerk of the said County, and also the
Petition of the Reverend Theophilus Swift and some of the
Justices of the said County recommending the said Negroes
as Objects of Mercy.
Ordered with the Advice of this Board that Pardon issue
for the said Negroes which issued accordingly.
His Excellency having while the Council was sitting re-
ceived a Packet by Express from Philadelphia was pleased
after opening it to inform the Board that it contained In-
structions from the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
issued as appears upon the Demise of his late Majesty King
George the second of Blessed Memory Instructions from his
sacred Majesty King George the third, A Letter from his
present Majesty's most honourable Privy Council to the
Right honourable Lord Baltimore together with a Form of
a Proclamation to be published in this his Majesty's Province
of Maryland, and also sundry Proclamations and Declara-
tions made by his sacred Majesty King George the third,
which Instructions, Form of a Proclamation, Proclamations
and Declarations are as follow.
[L. S.]
Frederick absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Province
of Maryland and Avalon in America Lord Baron of Balti-
more in the Kingdom of Ireland.
Orders and Instructions to be observed and pursued by
our trusty and well beloved Horatio Sharpe Esqr our Lieu-
tenant General and Chief Governor of our Province of
F: Baltimore
The Almighty God having been pleased to take to his
Mercy our late Sovereign Lord King George the Second of
glorious Memory, you are immediately on the Receipt of