Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
Monday 27th of October
This Day his Royal Highness Edward Duke of York, was
by his Majesty's Command sworn of his Majesty's most
honourable Privy-Council and took his Place at the Board on
his Majesty's Right Hand.
The Right Honourable John Earl of Bute was by his
Majesty's Command sworn of his Majesty's most honourable
Privy-Council and took his Place at the Board accordingly.
His Majesty was pleased to order that the Parliament
should be prorogued to Thursday the thirteenth Day of
November next.
His Majesty was pleased to declare, that in all the Prayers,
Liturgies, and Collects for the Royal Family instead of the
Words {"their Royal Highnesses George Prince of Wales,
the Princess Dowager of Wales, the Duke, the Princesses,
and all the Royal Family"} be inserted \ Her Royal Highness
the Princess Dowager of Wales, and all the Royal Family.}
Tuesday 28th October
Lord Chamberlains Office October 28th 1760: Orders for
the Court to go into Mourning on Sunday next the second of
November for his late Majesty King George the second of
blessed Memory (vizt)
The Ladies to wear black Bombazines, plain Muslin, or
long Lawn Linen, Crape Hoods, Shamoy Shoes and Gloves,
and Crape Fans. Undress: dark Norwich Crape.
The Men to wear black Cloth without Buttons on the
Sleeves and Pockets, plain Muslin or long Lawn Cravats and
Weepers, Shamoy Shoes and Gloves, Crape Hatbands, and
black Swords and Buckles. Undress: dark grey Frocks.
p. 261
The Lord Marshal's Order for a general Mourning for
his late Majesty King George the second.
In Pursuance of an Order of his Majesty in Council the
27th Day of October 1760. These are to give public Notice
that it is expected that all Persons upon the present Occasion
of the Death of his late Majesty of blessed Memory do put
themselves into the deepest Mourning (long Cloaks only
excepted) the said Mourning to begin upon Sunday the
second of November next, And his Majesty is pleased to
permit the Officers of the Army to appear before him in red,
faced with black, and the Officers of the Fleet in blue faced
with black Effingham M.
Wednesday 29th of October
A Proclamation was issued requiring all Persons that were
in Office of Authority or Government at the Decease of the