are to take what British Prisoners there are and request a
Certificate from the Governor or Commander in Chief set-
ting forth that he hath received the Prisoners sent by you
and what Number he returns in Exchange.
4thly If there be any Prisoners there lately Inhabitants of
or belonging to Maryland you are to insist that they be of the
number delivered to you in Exchange.
5thly When you have got the British Prisoners on Board
you are to Desire a Passport or safe Conduct from the Gov-
ernor or Commander in Chief to protect you and the said
Brig from being molested by any Men of War Privateers or
Subjects of the most Christian King or any of his Allies.
6thly You are to take care not to offer any insults to any
of the Subjects of his most Christian Majesty or his Allies
nor carry any kind of Warlike Stores or Provisions except
what is necessary for the Maintenance of the Crew and
7thly You are not to carry any more than two Pieces of
Cannon nor Fire any Guns unless as a Signal or for a Pilot,
gtwy you are to Wear English Colours with a White En-
sign on your Main Top Mast so that it may be seen.
9thly You are to bring to for every Vessell that shall
Demand it shewing your proper Colours & my Commission
and not to make resistance against any one. Given under
my Hand at Annapolis in the Province of Maryland the
Eighteenth Day of October 1760.
Horo Sharpe
Advised that the Council Room be repaired and shingled
and that a Workman be agreed with to do the same, and
that the Agreement with him be such that he takes his Pay
in the Journal of Accounts: And Colonel Robert Jenkins
Henry agrees to provide and bring up a sufficient Number
of Shingles to cover the same and to receive pay for them
in the same manner.
At a Council held at the City of Annapolis on Wednesday
the twenty second Day of October in the tenth year of his
Lordships Dominion &c.. Annoque Domini 1760.
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esqr Governor
The Honourable Colo Hammond, Stephen Bordley Esqr
His Excellency acquaints this Board that his Lordship the
Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary had appointed John