the Southward of Green Branch aforesaid and near seven
miles within the Province of Maryland and near five Miles
below or further within the Province of Maryland than the
Place where this Deponent liveth And further this Deponent
saith not
Robert R Ingram
Taken and Sworn to on the 29th Day of August
Anno Domini 1759.
Jos Collins
before us.
Wm Ellegood
Worcester County sst
The Deposition of Capt Job Ingram aged about thirty three
years or thereabouts after being Solemnly sworn on the Holy
Evangels of Almighty God doth Depose and say That he
was born in the County of Sussex on Delaware and when he
was a very small Boy his Father removed to a Place called
the Beaver Dams in the County aforesaid and on the North
Easterly side of the said Branch & very near the Borders of
the Counties of Sussex and Somerset and a Certain Abraham
Ingram Brother to this Deponents Father settled on the
North Westerly side of a Drain of the aforesaid Branch