said from a Certain David Smith, who had got into Posses-
sion thereof and the said Bethnel Obtained a Judgement on
his said Suit in his Majestys Court of Common Pleas in and
for the County of Sussex aforesaid, and was Put into a
quiet and Peaceable Possession of the said Land by Wirtue
of his Majestys Writ of Habere facias Possessionem, Issu-
ing Out of the said Court for that Purpose the Affirmant
Further saith that he hath been told that the aforesaid Abra-
ham Ingram having an intention to get a Maryland Warrant
of Survey for Some Part of the Land so as aforesaid Sur-
veyed by M. Robert Shankland aforementioned he the affirm-
ant heard Several Ancient Inhabitants of Sussex af sd Highly
Blame the said Abraham for that the whole of the sd Land
did indisputably lay within the reputed Bounds of the said
County of Sussex; the affirmant further saith that he hath no
Particular knowledge of the Plantation whereon John Willey
(now a Prisoner at Lewis) lately Dwelt but that he hath
heard it reported by the Inhabitants of Ceedar Creek Hun-
dred afsd that it is Scituate within the Limits and reputed
Bounds of the said Hundred and Further this Deponent
Saith not
Jurat Coram Nobis Solomon Fruit
Rs Holt A True Copy Richard Peters Secretary
Jacob Kollock
Jacob Phillips
Sussex County on Delaware
The Deposition of Thomas Himmons of Dorchester County
in the Province of Maryland Yeoman Taken at Lewis in the
County of Sussex aforesaid this 17th day of May in the year
of our Lord 1759 he this deponent being aged 65 years or
thereabouts and being Solemnly Sworn on the Holy Evan-
gelists did Depose and say that he was born in the said
County of Sussex and hath always Lived in the Hundred
of Ceedar Creek in the said County until two or three years
Last Past and that he is well Acquainted with the Forrest
Part of the Hundred aforesaid commonly called the Great
Neck and that from the time of his being able to Take any