Mother lived with me from a Girl and I was Acquainted with
her until her Death and that she was the Daughter of old
Panquash as aforesaid and farther that Peter Monk is a
Descendent from the Indian River Indians in Worcester
County, and no ways allied to the Nanticoke Indians as I
have been Informed by the old Nanticoke Indians who I have
Often heard Speak of Monks Family. Thomas Hackett I
have Often heard speak of the same Indians and to the same
Purpose of what I have Related, I am about Seventy Four
years of age and am unable to wait on your Honour but will
at any Time if Required make Oath to the Above Contents
and am.
Your Excellencys most Obedt Hble Servt
Mary M Cratcher
April 3d 1759
p. S. Solomon Wright who is Son to old Edward Wright
who was the Indian Interpreter in the first Setling here
knows the same as is abovesaid.
Which being Read and considered of and upon hearing
what the Indians Present had to say on behalf of Peter
Prince and Pocatehouse This Board are of Opinion that
Pocatehouse has the best Right to be made Chief Man of the
said Indians, with which Opinion his Excellency Agrees and
Acquaints the Indians thereof and they seemed Well Pleased.
The said Indians then Addressed themselves to the Gov-
ernor in the following Manner.
To His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Governor in Council
Commander in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland.
Brother we the Heard Swamp Bapco and Other the In-
dians and all our Brother Indians do now once more Present
our selves that is two or three of our Indians as a scattered
Remnant of a confused Nation Come to see you once more