Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
Informed that the said Outten was in a day or two next after
shot by one John Willy at the House of the said Willie and
further this Deponent sayeth not
Thomas Hinds
Taken & Sworn the 9th day of March 1759
before me Robt Jenkins Henry.
Maryland sst
The Deposition of William Hayward of Somerset County
in the Province of Maryland aged Twenty eight years and
upwards being Sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty
God Deposeth and saith that he this Deponent was present at
the Examination of One John Sharp Taken at Lewis Town
in the County of Sussex on Delaware, before Rives Holt
Esquire and that the said John Sharpe then & there upon
and at the Time of his Examination and the Taking of his
Deposition did Declare that precedent to the Murder of one
William Outten one of the Sub Sheriffs of Worcester County
in the Province of Maryland Committed by one John Willey
that he the said John Sharpe and the said John Willy with
Sundry other persons whose names this Deponent at present
p. 297
Cannot Remember had agreed together to stand by one an-
other and thereby to resist the said William Outten that no
process Issuing out of the County Court of Worcester should
be Executed on any of them, that one Cloves one of the
Magistrates of the County of Sussex who was also present
told the said Sharpe that such words were dangerous that
they amounted to a Combination and that surely no Combi-
nation was entered into and that he the said Sharpe must
certainly be mistaken upon which the said Sharpe Seemed to
be affrighted, and seemed much inclined to take back what he
had sayed, but being directed .Sundry Times to repeat what
he had to say, as often would confess that such an agreement
had been entered into and made use of these Expressions,
that it did not signifie for that such agreement as is aforesaid
had been entered into yet from the Interposition of the said
Cloves Jacob Collick and one Holt Magistrates of the County
of Sussex afsd to the best of this Deponents Memory the
words aforesaid of the said Sharpe were Intirely unnoticed
in and left out of the Deposition of the said Sharpe and
this Deponent further saith that the said Sharpe at the Time
of his Examination afsd did declare that himself and the
several persons aforesaid who had entered into the agreement
afsd would have Submitted to such process as is before men-
tioned but that the Great Men of the County of Sussex afsd
would not permit them, which to the best of this Deponents