Copy of Richard Hays Deposition aged between 60 and 70.
And on the day aforesaid appeared before us the Subscrib-
ing Justices Richard Hays Sen. aged between sixty and
Seventy years and who hath been an Inhabitant in Ceedar
Creek Hundred in the County of Sussex aforesaid near upon
Fifty years, who being also Sworn on the holy Evangels did
depose and say that he was one of the Chain carriers at the
Time William Shankland Deputy Surveyor of the County
aforesaid ran out the afore mentioned Tract of Land for the
aforesaid Ephraim Polk in the Hundred of Ceedar Creek
aforesaid and that at the Time of the said Running out Vizt
on or about the ninth of December in the year of our Lord
1749 he believes and always had heard it said by the Inhabit-
ants of Ceedar Creek Hundred afsd that the said Tract of
Land was scituated within the Hundred and County afore-
said, nor did he know or ever hear that any survey had been
before made on the said Tract by any Powers under the Gov-
ernment of the Counties on Delaware or of the Province of
Maryland and the Deponent having been this day shewed a
Copy of the Plot of the aforesaid Survey He verily believes
that the Lines laid down and ascertained in the said Plot, are
those lines which he as an Assistant to the said Surveyor
carried the chain along, on this 16th day of February 1759.
Jurat Coram Nobis his
R" Holt Jacob Phillips Richard R Hays Sen.
Jacob Kollock David Hall. Mark
Copy of John Willys Examination
Sussex on Delaware
The Examination of John Willy of the County aforesaid
Planter Taken before me Ryves Holt Esqr Chief Justice of
his Majestys Supreme Courts for the Counties of New Castle
Kent and Sussex on Delaware and Chief Justice of his Maj-
estys Courts of oyer and Terminer and General Goal De-
livery for the said Counties.
This Examinant saith, that Yesterday morning to wit the
sixth day of February Instant William Outten under Sheriff
of the County of Worcester in the Province of Maryland