is not as yet come to Town.
Lewes February 17th 1759. We are, Sir.
Your Honours most Obedt hble Servants
Jacob Phillips Rs Holt
David Hall Jacob Kollock
Copy of a Warrant for Surveying 200 Acres of Land
Scituated on Gum Branch Granted to Ephraim Polk. Pen-
sylvania and Counties on Delaware sst By the Proprietary's
Whereas Ephraim Polk of the County of Sussex hath re-
quested of us that we would be pleased to grant him a survey
on two Hundred Acres on the East Side of Gum Branch
adjoining Thomas Hammonds Land in the Forest of Cedar
Creek Hundred in the said County, for which he agrees to
pay to our use the yearly Quit-Rent of one peny Sterling for
every acre of the Same and one Whole years Rent on every
These are Therefore to Authorize and Require you to
Survey or cause to be Surveyed unto the said Ephraim Polk
at the place aforesaid contiguous to Surveys already made,
the said Quantity of 200; Acres if not already Surveyed or
appropriated, and make Return thereof into the Secretarys
office in order for Confirmation, for Which this shall be your
Sufficient Warrant.