Maryland sst
Be it remembered that on the tenth day of August in the
Twenty Seventh year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord
King George by the Grace of God of Great Britain France
and Ireland King Defender of the faith &c. and in the third
Year of the Dominion of the Right honourable Frederick
Lord Baron of Baltimore Absolute Lord and Proprietary of
the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon &c. Annoq Domini
1753, At the Council Chamber in the City of Annapolis
Appeared the honourable Horatio Sharpe Esquire and in the
Presence of the Honourable Benjamin Tasker Esqr Col
George Plater Edmund Jenings Esqr Col Charles Hammond
Col. Benjamin Tasker and Benedict Calvert Esqr Members
of his Lordships Council, produced his said Lordships Com-
mission bearing date at London the Seventeenth day of
March Anno Domini 1753 constituting and appointing him
the said Horatio Esqr Lieutenant General and Chief Gov-
ernor of the Province of Maryland and Avalon in America
and also Commander in Chief both by Sea and Land of all
the Forces raised or to be raised in the said Provinces which
being published and read is Ordered to be Recorded in the
Secretarys Office.
His Excellency the Governor then took the several Oaths
appointed to be taken by Act of Assembly of this Province as
also the Oath following
I Horatio Sharpe do swear that I will be true & faithful to
the Right Honourable Frederick Lord Baron of Baltimore
the true and Absolute Lord and Proprietary of this Province
of Maryland and his Heirs and him and them his and their
Rights Royal Jurisdictions & Seigniories all and Every of
them into and over this his Province of Maryland, the Is-
lands and Territories thereto belonging I will at all times
defend and maintain to the utmost of my Power, and will
never accept any Place Office or Employment within the said
Province anyways concerning or relating to the Government
thereof from any Person or Authority but by from or under
a Lawful Authority derived or to be derived from his said
Lordship his heirs and Assigns; I will faithfully Serve his
Lordship as his Governor or Commander in Chief of the
said Province and in all other Offices committed to my
Lib. J. R,
& U. S.
p. 1