are come, you say that your good Brother the Governor of
Virginia has signified to you that our Father King George
desires you will join the English, and declare War against
the French and their Indians who without any just Cause or
Provocation have fallen upon our People and scattered their
Bones over the Country you also tell me that upon our Fath-
er's Pleasure being made known to you, you have taken up
the Hatchet against our Enemies, and that you will hold it
fast, till you have used it against the French, and the Indians
in their Alliance, I am well pleased that you have already
taken such a Resolution, I hope you will soon make our
Enemies sensible of it, and that you will prosecute the War
vigorously against them to make your Hatchet sharp, and to
fasten it in your Hands, I present you with this String of
black Wampum gave a String,
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
You were told you say when you came to Fort Frederick
that you were no longer in Virginia but in another Province
this was true but I must observe to you that we, and the
Virginians are nevertheless one People, the Inhabitants of
Carolina Virginia, Maryland, Pensilvania, and of all the
Provinces to the Northward are Brethren Subjects of the
same great King, and they that are Friends to some of us
must be Friends to all, you are then the Friends of all, Let us
become one People, and unite against the French and their
Indians our Enemies, Let our Men go out to War with you,
look on them as your Brethren, teach them to fight after
your Manner, and then neither the French nor their Allies
will be able to stand before you, for your Encouragement
and as a Reward for those that fight bravely, I will give you a
Present as large as that which I have now sent you (pointing
to the small Parcel) for every two Enemies that you shall
take Prisoners, and deliver up to me, or that you shall kill
and bring me the Scalps of, or I will give you the Value
thereof in Money Let this sink deep into the Minds of your
young Men, and let them remember my Promise in the
Day of Battle, I have ordered Captain Beall who commands
at Fort Frederick, and the Officer that commands the Men
at Fort Cumberland to receive and at all Times treat you and
those of your Nation that shall join you as my best Friends,
I have also notified your Arrival to your Brother the Govr of
Pensilvania, in this I hope I have done according to your
Desire and that the Words which I have spoken are agree-
able to you to confirm the Truth of them, and to convince you
that they flow from my Heart I give you this Belt, gave
a Belt, and the Answer in Writing.
p. 170