live under a French Government, than under an English
one that they would thereby get their Lands on easier Terms
than they can at present?
Pris: I never did hear priest Neale speak after that manner
to the Congregation, nor did I ever hear him say a Syllable
to that Purpose at any time when I went to Chappie.
q: 5: Did you ever hear the Priest tell the Congregation
or any of them, that if this province was brought under
a ffrench Government they the Roman Catholicks would be
then permitted to enjoy the free Exercise of their Religion?
or did you ever hear the priest say any thing to the Congre-
gation, at, before, or after Mass about the French Gov-
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
Pris: I never did hear the priest either at, before, or after
Mass, say any thing about the English, French, or any other
Government whatever.
q: 6: Did you ever know, see, or hear of one John Flaugh-
erty, of Baltimore County, or of any other County in this
province ?
Pris. I never did see, or hear of any such Person in this
province, hut there is one Crayton a Catholic in that County
whom I believe I mentioned to Col. Cresap as a busy and
disaffected person,
q: 7: Did Priest Neale ever tell you that one Mr Digges
who lives near York or any other Mr Digges had Arms or
Ammunition by him and would be of Service if the French
should come down, or that Mr Digges would furnish any
Persons with Arms, or Ammunition to assist the ffrench, or
for any other purpose ?
Pris: Priest Neale did once at MoDonalds say that one
Digges and Skey had Arms and Ammunition by them and
that they would be of Service to assist the French to subdue
the Country,
q: 8: Did you ever hear any Person say that one Burk
would do all that lay in his power towards furnishing any
person with Arms and Ammunition ?
Pris. I have heard Darby Tool, Thomas Burgen, and James
McDonald say that Ulick Burk had Arms by him to assist
the French, if they should come down to attack this Country,
q: 9: Did Priest Neale desire or request you to carry Let-
ters to the French Commandant at Venango ?
Pris. After. I had told the priest and others that I was
resolved to go back to the French he said if he should happen
to see me again before I went he would give me a Letter or
Letters for the Commanding Officer at Venango, but he did
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