tick, with lucid Intervals his quick Return from your Side,
and as quick passing from one Body of Neutrals to another
and making upwards inclined me to stop him, your Excel-
lency will please to signifie your Thoughts and whether it be
proper farther to detain him.
I am with the greatest Respect
Sr your Excellency's very humble Servant
B: Hands.
Which being read it is their Opinion, that he still be
detained in Custody.
His Excellency is pleased to lay before this Board a Report
made to him by the Justices of Charles County Court of their
having passed Sentence of Death upon Negro Ben the Slave
of a certain Richard Gardiner for a certain ffelony by him
committed, and no favourable Circumstance appearing for
him, it is ordered that Dead Warrant accordingly issue.
At a Council held at the City of Annapolis, on Monday
the 30th Day of August in the sixth Year of his Lordships
Dominion, Annoque Domini 1756:
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esquire Governor