Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1753-1761. 135
said Retailer shall account for any pay the Duty thereof to
the said Collector, pursuant to the Directions of this Act; any
thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding
Provided always and be it Enacted, that the Collectors
of the Excise aforesaid or any of them, nor their, or any of
their Deputies, nor any Person or persons to be appointed in
their, or any of their Places, or stead, shall during their Con-
tinuance in their or any of their Offices, vend, barter, sell
exchange, or trade by Retail in any of the Liquors aforesaid,
made exciseable by this Act, under the Penalty of forty
Pounds current Mony, to be recovered by Action of Debt,
Bill, Plaint, or Information, by any Person who will sue for
the same to Effect; one half thereof to the use of the person
so suing, the other half thereof to be paid to the Commis-
sioners or Trustees aforesaid to be applied as herein after
And be it further Enacted that every Master of any Ship,
Sloop, or other Vessel, their Officers, Sailors, or any other
Person for them retailing or consuming any the Liquors
aforesaid within this Province, shall, and are hereby required
to make the like Entries of, and Payments for the Liquors
by them retailed or consumed, as any other Retailer or
Consumer in this Province, under pain of incurring the like
penalties and Forfeitures as by this Act are before imposed
on Retailers, or Consumers for omitting to enter and pay as
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
aforesaid, to be recovered in the same manner as the said
Penalties and Forfeitures are by this Act directed to be
recovered, against other Retailers, or Consumers of the
Liquors aforesaid; and the Collectors, and Deputies, as
aforesaid, are hereby impowered directed, and required, to
enter into such Ships, Sloops, or other Vessels, to gage, or
seize such Liquors in like manner as he or they are im-
powered and required to enter seize, or gage the Liquors in
the Houses, Stores, Cellars, Vaults, Shops or other Places
of any the Retailers as aforesaid ;
And for the better collecting the several Duties and Im-
positions on the Liquor aforesaid that now are, or hereafter
shall be in the possession of any the Inhabitants of or Resi-
dents in this Province, not being Retailers, and reserved for
their own private Use and Consumption Be it Enacted, that
every House keeper, Inhabitant or Resident not being a
Retailer, who hath in his House Cellar, Vault or other
Place any of the Liquors aforesaid, reserved as aforesaid,
except Brandy, or other Spirits, made distilled or drawn
from Grain or Fruit of the Growth or Produce of this Prov-
ince, shall and is hereby required on or before the twentieth
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