same, with Costs, the other half to be applied as herein after
directed :
And the said Collectors are hereby required to give public
Notice by Advertisements, fixed at convenient public Places,
certifying the time of Commencement of the several Duties
on Liquors hereby imposed, and full Directions how, and
when Entries to be made in pursuance of this Act.
And for the better Discovery of Frauds, and Abuses, Be
it further Enacted, that it shall and may be lawful for any
Justice of the Peace, of each respective County, and he is
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
hereby required upon Application made by any Collector of
the same County, or other Person to summon any Person or
persons to appear before such Justice at such time and Place
as he shall appoint, to give Evidence upon Oath or Affirma-
tion if a Quaker for discovery of any Frauds and Abuses,
which shall be committed against this Act; and if any Person
or Persons summoned as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to
appear & give Evidence, as aforesaid, he, she, or they so
offending, shall, for every such Offence be fined by the
Justice that issued out the Summons in any Sum not exceed-
ing' five pounds Current mony, and be committed to Prison
till paid.
And Be it further Enacted, that all the Forfeitures and
Offences, made, done, and committed, against any Clause, or
Article, contained in this Act, relating to the Excise except
Breaches of Duty in the Collectors, or their Deputies, and
where it is otherwise directed, shall be heard, adjudged, and
determined by any two or more Justices of the respective
Counties, where such Forfeitures shall be made, or Offences
committed, and if the Party finds himself aggrieved by the
Judgments given by the said Justices, he, or she first entering
into Bond with sufficient sureties (such as the Justices by
whom such Judgment shall be given shall approve) with the
following Condition (to wit) "The Condition of the above
Obligation is such, that if the above bound shall & do prose-
cute the said Appeal with Effect, and also satisfy and pay to
the Party suing or informing, the said Sums, and Forfeitures
by this Act laid and imposed, in case the Judgment of the
said Magistrates shall be affirmed, as well as all and singular
such Costs, and Charges that shall be awarded by the Court
before whom such Appeal shall be heard, tried and deter-
mined; then the above Obligation to be void and of no Effect,
else to remain in full Force and Virtue in Law " may appeal
to the Justices of the Peace of said County at the next County
Court to be held for the respective County where the Judg-
ment shall be given, which Court is hereby authorized and
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