Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
Sums of Mony shall be collected and received: some from
and after the first day of June next, and others from and
after the 20th day of the same Month. And whereas the
intermediate time is too short for Copies of the said Act to
be printed, and properly dispersed: To the End therefore
that the several Officers who are or shall be appointed to re-
ceive and collect such Sums of Mony, or the people by whom
the same is to be paid, may be timely apprized of their
several Duties, and know what is required of them respec-
tively by the said Act; to prevent the Mischiefs and Evils,
p. 104
that would necessarily follow from the said Officers or
peoples being ignorant of the same and that the said Law
might be more effectually executed to the Satisfaction, and
Advantage of the Publick; I have with the Advice of his
Lordships Council of State, thought fit to issue this my Proc-
lamation to publish and make known to all whom it may
concern that the several Clauses to this my Proclamation
annexed are true Copies of several Clauses of the Act of
Assembly aforesaid: And I do hereby require all Persons
concerned to take Notice thereof and conform thereto ac-
Horo Sharpe
T. Ross: Cl: Con: May 27: 1756:
Be it Enacted by the Authority, Advice and Consent afore-
said, that from and after the twentieth Day of June, in the
year One thousand seven hundred and fifty six there shall be
levied, raised, collected, and paid by way of Excise on all
Rum, and other Spirits, already imported, or which shall
hereafter be imported, or distilled, or extracted within this
Province from Melasses, or, any Grain or other Materials,
not of the Growth of this Province which shall be retailed,
or sold, in any Quantity under fifty Gallons; and on all Wine
(except Wine imported from great Britain) which shall be
retailed, or sold in any quantity under twenty five Gallons,
or which (not being bought or sold by way of retail) shall be
consumed; and on all Brandy or other Spirits, made, distilled,
or drawn from any Grain or Fruit, of the Growth or produce
of this Province, and sold, or retailed the following Rates
Duties, and Impositions, that is to say, for all Wine (except
as before excepted and also except Madeira Wine, already
imported) so retailed or consumed, six Pence p: Gallon for
all Rum and other Spirits already imported, or which here-
after shall be imported or distilled or extracted, within this
Province from Melasses, or any Grain, or other Materials,
not of the growth, or produce of this Province, so retailed,
or consumed four Pence p Gallon; for all Brandy, or other