To the honourable the House of Delegates.
The Petition of the Freemen of County
Most humbly sheweth.
That we his Majesty's loyal and faithful Subjects, are sin-
cerely grieved to find ourselves under an absolute necessity
of complaining to you, that we conceive our most holy Relig-
ion and valuable Constitution to be in the greatest Danger
from the Swarms of Jesuits, Priests, and others disaffected
to our most gracious sovereign coming among us, and build-
ing, and erecting Seminaries, and public Mass Houses,
wherein with Impunity they teach and propogate, their
damnable, and treasonable Doctrines, that we are taxed
yearly for the use of the Proprietary of this Province the
sum of 12d for every Hhd of Tobacco, and 14d for every
Ton of Burthen, of all Vessels trading in or to this Province
and not properly belonging thereto, without and Law that we
know of for so doing, which we cannot but think an En-
croachment on our Liberties, and Privileges, and that we
labour under many other Grievances, the Particulars of
which it would be here tedious to enumerate, as we cannot
hope after so many Trials, and Disappointments to have a
Law assented to, and passed by the other Branch of the
Legislature, enabling us to raise a Fund for the support of an
Agent to lay our case in a proper manner before his most
sacred Majesty from whom alone we hope for, and expect
Relief and protection, we therefore most earnestly entreat
you as this Juncture, as our present Circumstances seem
absolutely to require it that you would consider of, and fix
upon some justifiable and Legal Expedient for that Purpose,
and you may depend on all the Assistance in the power of
those who are in duty &c.
Which Petitions being read, it is the Advice of this
Board to his Excellency, that in his Speech at the prorogue-
ing of the Assembly, he be pleased to take notice of the same,
and it is also thought adviseable to send circular Letters
to the Magistrates of the several Counties of this Province
to enquire into all seditious Reports, with respect to the
Administration of this Government, in order to disquiet the
Minds of the People therewith which have or may hereafter
be spread, within their several Counties, and in Case of Dis-
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.