Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
Men to defend this Country against the brutal French, &
their Allies, the savage Indians, who were then committing
the most shocking Barbarities and uncommon Cruelties imag-
inable on our Fellow Creatures, and Countrymen, who could
have no Consolation in their distress, but that of seeing
Hundreds, in their own, unhappy & lamentable Circum-
stances, this gives great Concern, and more when we reflect
on the great Danger and Mischiefs, that may speedily arise
within this Government, by the Increase of Popish Recusants,
among us and considering the great Resort of Jesuits to this
Country who are daily endeavouring to seduce his Majestys
good Subjects from their Religion and Allegiance, and how
p. 99
much his Majestys protestant Subjects, are disheartened to
see Priests and Jesuits, accumulating great Wealth, and en-
joying some of the best Estates in the Province, contrary to
Law, and good Government: and also to see Men highly to be
suspected of Popery and who were educated at St Omer's,
and brought up in that Religion admitted into Employments
of great Trust, and Profit, we cannot omit on this Occasion
to return you our sincere Thanks, and to express our Appro-
bation of your Address to his Excellency the Governor, dated
the 6th July 1755: and printed in the Maryland Gazette, re-
questing of his Excellency the Execution of the Penal Laws
of England against the Papists of this Province and though
we have the Mortification to find that your said Address had
not the desired Effect, yet we intreat you not to be dis-
couraged from farther attempting our Relief and Security
by transmitting to his most sacred Majesty, a true State of
our present Situation and Grievances and imploring his In-
terposition, and Protection; And we do hereby engage to sup-
port your Undertaking to the utmost of our Abilities, and
with our Lives and Fortunes to maintain, and defend his
Majesty's Rights, in this Dominion.
To the Honourable the House of Delegates of the Prov-
ince of Maryland, in Assembly convened.
The Petition of the Freemen, and the Electors of Charles
County sheweth.
That your Petitioners daily suffer many Aggrievances,
Extortions, and Oppressions under the Government of the
Right honourable the Lord Baltimore, which we are certain
we should be relieved from, could they be properly repre-
sented to his most sacred Majesty who on all Occasions has
shewn the greatest readiness, to relieve his distressed Sub-
jects, though ever so remote, we therefore most humbly pray,
notwithstanding, your Bill for an Agent has been denied by
his Lordships Council, who take upon them the Right of