yourself so as not to give the least Cause to any Master of a
Vessel, or other Person to complain, or insinuate that in the
Execution of the Duty of a Naval Officer you take any Step,
or collect any Money contrary to the Statutes of England,
or Laws of this Province, and I also direct you to be particu-
larly careful, not to demand under colour of the Act of As-
sembly above mentioned, or any other a Duty or Fine on the
Importation of any Persons who are bona fide Convicts, and
who shall or may be imported as such into this Province.
His Excellency is pleased to lay before this Board a Re-
port made to him by the Justices of Assize for the Western
Shore, whereby it appears that they had passed Sentence of
Death upon Mulatto Charles, late of Prince Georges County
Labourer, the Slave of a certain James Campbell, otherwise
called young Charles Butler, for feloniously taking and lead-
ing away one black Mare of the Price of five Pounds, the
Goods, and Chattels of a certain William Elson, contrary to
an Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, and
also that they had passed Sentence of death, upon one Benja-
min Barrett late of Calvert County Labourer, for feloniously
breaking and entring the store House, of a certain John
Gray of the Clifts, and taking thereout sundry Goods and
Chattels, contrary to the Form of an Act of Assembly in such
Case lately made and provided: And Likewise the Report
of Bedingfield Hands one of the Justices of Assize for the
Eastern Shore, whereby it appears that he had passed Sen-
tence of Death upon a certain John Christopher Labourer
Servant to Charles Baker for stealing a bay Gelding the
Property of the same Charles Baker, and also that he had
passed Sentence of Death, upon one Negro Jack, Slave to
Joseph Nicholson, for breaking the Store House of William
Murray in the night, and thereout feloniously taking a Piece
of corded Dimothy: It is ordered with the Advice of this
Board that Warrants issue for the Execution of John Christ-
opher, and Negroe Jack the 14. Instant, but forasmuch as it
appears by the Representation of several Persons in favour
of Mulatto Charles, and Benjamin Barrel that they are Ob-
jects of Mercy, it is the Advice of this Board to his Excel-
lency, that he be pleased to order Pardons for the said
persons which issued accordingly.
The Conferrees appointed by the upper House in relation
to the Bill for raising £40000 for his Majesty's Service, lay
before this Board the following Proposition of the lower
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.