which Masters have in those servants there; it is at least
equally so in Pensilvania, that the recruiting Officers in that
Province should entertain such Servants when they volun-
tarily enlist into the Kings Regiments unless it can be shown
that the Pensilvania Masters have some special property in
their Servants which the Massachusetts' Masters have not
and which destroys his Majestys' Right to their Service for
the Defence of his American Dominions against the common
Enemy; But this I have before observed is not founded in the
nature of Government in general and is contrary to the Prac-
tice of it in the English Constitution.
As to the enlisting of indented Servants into his Majestys
Regiment upon the Establishment, whenever Officers of such
Regiments have recruited within the Province of the Massa-
chusetts Bay more or less of those Servants have ever inlisted
into them particularly when recruiting Officers of the Forces
employed in the Expedition against the Spanish Settlements
in the West Indies, arrived there from Jamaica many in-
dented Servants inlisted with them and were transported to
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
I am not ignorant that Pensilvania hath afforded great
Numbers of Recruits to the Kings forces, but am not of
Opinion with the Assembly that they are equal to those which
have been raised in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay,
for my own and Sir William Pepperells Regiments, and
the three Regiments of Nova Scotia within these fourteen
Months, which may be computed at upwards of 1500, Men
besides which near 6000 have been raised within it the last
year for the Expeditions against the French Encroachments
in Nova Scotia and against Crown Point; and the Number
of Soldiers raised in it over and above all these for the Pro-
tection of its Frontier, exceeds I believe the Body of Men
employed by the Governmt of pensilvania for the defence
of theirs :
The Assembly complain that their Province is extreamly
drained of their Labourers I think Sir that Pensilvania hath
not been near so much exhausted of them as the Massachu-
setts Bay hath been by his Majesty's Service: In the Expe-
dition against Cape Breton that Province lost 2000 Men at
least by Sea and Land and upwards of 500 the year following
in the Protection of Nova Scotia, the employing of any con-
siderable Body of Troops for the defence of the Frontier of
Pensilvania is a new Service within that Government but
hath ever taken up a great Number of Men in time of Peace
as well as War within the Massachusetts' Bay: The Prov-
ince of the Massachusetts Bay hath as few Slaves within it
p. 88