that while "in his natural capacity" he was a minor, as a "Body Politick"
he was not liable to the incident of minority.
The one-day session of April 24, 1716, was called merely to notify to
the Assembly the return of the Province to Proprietary government,
and there was no Journal of the Upper House.
The proclamation of the Pretender declaring his claim to the crown
of Great Britain, and the recognition of that claim by the King of France,
followed by a formidable Jacobite uprising, produced much excitement
in Maryland, where a considerable number secretly favored the Stuart
cause, and rekindled the suspicions against the Catholics. In June,
1716, some foolish persons in Annapolis saluted the birthday of the
Pretender by firing cannon. Such an act could not be overlooked, and
the Governor offered a reward for the discovery of the offenders. One,
a servant, came forward as a witness, and received a pardon and the
reward, while another was flogged and pilloried. Two other persons
were fined for drinking the Pretender's health.
The uneasiness and suspicion which these things occasioned have
left their mark on the legislation of this time.