said Bill will pass Viz. page the 3d 18th line (or part or parcel
of any tract or Tracts of Lands) page the 3d 21st line (any
ways Interested in such dispute) page 7th 15th line (on each
of) in the same page 16th line, a Clause to be added for Sher-
riffs Coroners &c to pay due Obedience to the Commrs as to
the Provincial Court which is herewith Sent. And a Proviso
where bounds have been Settled & determined remain and
continue unaltered no ways subject to any Alteration whatso-
ever by Virtue of this Act, And that notwithstanding this Law
the Provincial Court may determine all Actions of Trespass
& Ejectment already depending before them or which shall
be commenced before the first day of June 1716 against Per-
sons beyond Sea &c
But the Law so far as it Concerns the People of this Prov-
ince to be in force immediately after the End of this Session
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Ho Del.
On Consideration whereof the Bill being again Read Re-
solved that all the Amendments proposed thereto by the Dele-
gates be agreed to save the last Viz. That the Law be
immediately in force after the End of this Session which his
Excellency cannot consent to being of a very extraordinary
And being so Endorsed was sent to the House by Col