M. H. S.
the Intention of this Act shall have & receive the Sallary of
two & a half p O & no more & the said Money to be lodged
in the hands of such Mercht or Merchants in London as the
Upper & Lower Houses of Assembly shall from time to time
direct. And be it further Enacted by the Authority afd that
the several & respective Clerks of the Provincial & County
Courts within this Province shall Yearly & every year during
the Continuance of this Act ex Officio make out a true & fair
List of all such Alienations as shall be yearly recorded in the
respective Courts that is to say the Names of the Parties
Grantor & Grantee, the Dates of the Deeds & Name of the
Lands with the quantity thereof ready to be delivered to the
Agent of the Rt Honble the Ld Proprietary of this Province
when required of such Clerks & in Case the Clerk of the
Provincial Court shall neglect to do what is required of him
to be done by this Act he shall forfeit the Sum of £10. Current
Money & the Clerk of the County Court so neglecting as
aforesaid shall forfeit the Sum of £5, Current Money to the
Rt Honble the Ld Proprietary of this Province his Heirs &
Successors towards the Support of His Ldp/s Govt within this
Province to be recovered in any County Court within this
Province by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information wherein
no Essoyn Protection or Wager of Law to be allowed. This
Act to continue untill the 29th Day of Sept. which shall be in
the year of our Ld 1720.