Acts. 625
may be lawful for any Person or Persons whatsoever, within
this Province, to order out Process in their own proper Names,
without any Titling from an Attorney for the same, and the
several and respective Clerks of the several Offices of the
Provincial and County Courts of this Province, are hereby
obliged upon Application to them made by any Person or
Persons as aforesaid, to issue such Writs as shall be by them
demanded, the Party or Parties suing out the same, if Non-
Residents within this Province, securing to the Secretary, or
the Clerks of the several County Courts, and all other Officers,
their lawful Fees: And that any Person or Persons whatso-
ever, that shall hereafter be sued or impleaded in the Pro-
vincial Court, or any of the County Courts within this Province,
shall and may in his or their own proper Persons come into
Court, and after Special Bail by him or them given, if ad-
judged so to do, to appear and imparle 'till next Court, or to
confess Judgment, to any Action or Actions, in any of the
Courts aforesaid, commenced against him, her, or them; any
Law Statute or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act,
Reverdy Ghiselin
Thomas Bacon
An Act for settling the Administration of the Government of
this Province, in case of the Death or Absence of his Lord-
ship's Governor, for the Time being, till his Lordship's
Pleasure shall be farther known therein.
Whereas his Excellency John Hart, Esq; our present Gov-
ernor, (on Reflection of the many violent and dangerous Fits
of Sickness he has been afflicted with, since his Arriving to
the Government of this Province, especially the last, from which
he is not yet perfectly recovered,) has represented to this Gen-
eral Assembly, That the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary of this Province, hath not sent in any Instructions, or
otherwise signified his Pleasure, where the Power of this
Government shall be lodged, in case of the Death or Absence
of his Lordship's Governor, for the Time being, either of
which Accidents might involve the Inhabitants of this Prov-
ince, not only in very confused Circumstances, but manifestly
endanger the Peace and Welfare thereof: This General
Assembly do pray that it may be Enacted,
II. And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lord-
ship's Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assem-
bly, and by the Authority of the same, That in case of the