to the publick 52ll 13' 6d and 29580ll Tobo allowed him dure-
ing his presidency for the Sallary and Itinerant charges of a
Councillor, It is ordered the same be referred to the Comittee
of laws who are on Sight of all the papers thereunto relateing
to Compose a Suitable message on the whole to the Upper
The Endorsment on the bill for Repairing the Records of
the Secretary Comry and land offices from the Upper house of
Yesterday being Considered the following Endorsment was
ordered to be made (Viz)
By the Lower house of Assembly
2d of Aug. 1716.
May it please yr honrs
Your Endorsment on this bill has been Considered and
wee are of opinion that particular Roomes for keeping the
records belonging to the several offices specified in this Bill
are already fitted up and assigned and therefore think that
there is no occasion of any further provision in that particular,
and as to a Clause to be added restraining any person but the
several Clerks to make searches, wee think that the law pro-
posed obligeing the officers to make the records good will
prevent any Inconveniency that way, wee Cannot think that