several Naval Officers that collect the Duty of 18d p hhd out
of that Duty that he shall be reimbursed the same with the
Law Charges out of the publick Fund of this Province
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Lo ho.
And this House considering that his Ldship the now Lord
Proprietary is a minor And that his Agent in Great Brittain as
well as his Agent in this Province are such Gentlemen as have
given signal Marks of their Disingenuity Resolved that this
House do concur with the afd Vote of the Lower House that
in Case his Excellency the Covernour shall at any time here-
after be obliged by Law to make Satisfaction to the Right
honourable the Lord Proprietary for the sd Sallary of 8£ p
Cent deducted by the several Naval Officers that Collected
the Duty of 18 p hhd out of that Duty that He shall be reim-
bursed the same with the Law Charges out of the publick
Fund of this Province
It being represented that notwithstanding the Governour
and his Majestys Council of this Province have made an Order
that the antient fee of 480 lb tobo should be by the respective
County Courts paid unto the Keeper of the Great Seal for the
Seal to every Copy of Laws made each Session and sent to
the County Courts yet that most of the Justices of the several
County Courts had refused to make such Allowance for the
Resolved the following Message be sent to the Lower
House Viz.